Sunday, July 27, 2008

Magpie Skinnies

I do have real friends not just internet ones despite what my earlier blog entitled Blogging Chicks might have led you to believe. My friend Meg is awesome. She's real. I just opened a virtual store on to sell my infamous Moody Mud and she designed my banner in about oh, 5 minutes! We were chatting on IM and there it was, my new banner.

Thanks Meg! She also designs the cutest onesies and sells them on her etsy shop. This is one of my favorites. If I had a little baby, I'd have one of each of her designs. She's also does paintings and is working on a children's book which I think is a grand idea. She's far more industrious about art than I ever was. If you want to check her stuff out, go to her etsy store! magpieskinnies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kels!!