Tired of the sappy old Hallmark cards? Having trouble expressing your true self this season? Why not send handmade cards that say what you REALLY feel? Etsy seller Greencard may have just what you need. greencard's shop
People often ask me why I named my company "Moody Girl Aromatherapy." Well, I should say, everyone but my family and close friends. Yes, I'm a gemini so I can be a bit of a moody girl. I sort of think of it as a compliment though. If you aint moody, you aint living. To me, moody isn't just an ill tempered mood, its ALL moods.
The real reason behind the name is really a play on the term "Moody Girl" but moreover the fact that scents can really have a mood altering affect in your brain. In fact, the term "aromatherapy" means just that.
a⋅ro⋅ma⋅ther⋅a⋅py /əˌroʊməˈθɛrəpi/ Pronunciation[uh-roh-muh-ther-uh-pee] –noun 1. the use of fragrances to affect or alter a person's mood or behavior. So you see, while I have been labled moody oh, once or twice in my life, it doesn't mean I'm an ill-tempered crabby girl given to violent mood swings. ;) It means simply that I make smell-good stuff to alter moods. (Mom, Dad, Sis, Bro: you are banned from commenting on this blog)
Ok, I can't help but post this link. The website Safe Mama contacted me with an interest in my bath products. Safe Mama is dedicated to highlighting safe products for babies and children and as an offshoot, they have decided to review products that are safe for mamas too. She purchased some and here's what she wrote:
Also, unbeknownst to me (until I did a self indulgent google search on myself,)The Little Black Box did a review about my products too. I just love all the love.
Glazed Earth, what a great name for a shop. And its my sister-in-law's shop to boot. She's just opened with some really cool pottery at some really enticing prices. Check her out.